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What is a Vacuum Breaker for Shampoo Bowls? Difference Between Inline and Top Mount Breakers.

What is a Vacuum Breaker for Shampoo Bowls? Difference Between Inline and Top Mount Breakers.

Vacuum Breakers for Shampoo Units are a common item you must take into account while purchasing shampoo chairs, or updating your existing shampoo units for your salon or barber shop. You might have heard of a vacuum breaker, and might be wondering what exactly a vacuum breaker is, and why there are multiple types.

Well, put simply, a vacuum breaker prevents back flow of water. Once water enters your pipes, it should not flow backwards into the water supply line, as it may no longer be potable.

So the vacuum breaker simply prevents this water from going back into the  municipal or city water line.

Some localities deem it to be a necessity, and will check for an approved vacuum breaker during inspections, or when getting your salon permits. Even if your municipality or city  does not require it, it is always a wise thing to have it installed.

Vacuum breakers for wash units generally come in 2 basic types. A top mount vacuum breaker. And an inline vacuum breaker. 

Top Mount Vacuum Breaker:

As it might sound like, the top mount breaker goes on top of the sink, often right next to the spray hose.

Top-mount vacuum breakers require that the sink come with the existing mounting holes in place, or require the owner to have new insertion points drilled out. Often this is not possible due to the nature of the bowls shape.

In-line Vacuum Breaker:

The inline breaker, on the other hand, goes behind the basin, as a connection bit between faucet line and the spray hose.  

Top mount breakers require pre-cut holes, and this where inline breakers come in handy, since they go underneath, they can connect to almost any type of shampoo sink. Allowing you to install the much needed vacuum breaker regardless of your shampoo bowl design. The inline breakers are often lesser in price too, as compared to top-mount breakers. 

However, please ensure that your locality accepts and recognizes in-line vacuum breakers, as in our experience, some may not.  

So keep these in mind, as you search for your new Hair Wash Units and basins. As the vacuum breaker can be an important piece, it is important to get it right

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